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June 24, 2015


John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15; Acts 2:1-21

Prayer: Creator spirit and Giver of life, pour out your spirit upon the whole creation. Come in rushing wind and flashing fire to turn the sin and sorrow within us into faith, power and delight.[1]

“When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.”
Pentecost, the birth day of the church is not a one-time event that occurred 2000 years ago. The Holy Spirit did not disappear once the tongues of flame fizzled out, the violent winds died down, and the dialectally enhanced crowds sobered up and became confused again. Nope. The Holy Spirit was just getting started, and thanks be to God, the Holy Spirit is alive and active today.
We need the Holy Spirit not just on specials days, but every day because the Christian walk is a difficult one. We cannot travel this faith journey alone; we are not capable of saving ourselves; and most of all, the Lord from the very beginning never intended for us to be alone. Can we give God an Amen for that?
In the Holy Spirit we have an advocate, a comforter, a helper, a counselor, an intercessor and teacher. In these roles, the Holy Spirit will dwell within us; bear witness to Christ; remind us of the miracles and mysteries, the purposes and promises of our faith; and show us that we can trust God as father, God as Son, and God as Spirit, three in one and one in three.
This passage from John is part of Jesus’ farewell discourse. Before he goes to the cross, Jesus explains to his disciples that he must go away.  Their hearts are heavy with sorrow; they’re practically speechless. They cannot imagine anything that could make this situation palatable.   
This is the moment when Jesus not only introduces the Holy Spirit but also explains how the Holy Spirit will be their Helper in building the Church after Jesus ascends to the Father, when they will see him no more. What’s the Spirit to do?
1)      Prove the world wrong in its beliefs about three things(16:xx): sin—the greatest sin is not to believe in Jesus; righteousness—only the righteous will gain heaven; and judgment—we shall all be judged for the ways we have lived.

2)      Guide us into all truth (John 16:13a)—the Spirit works day and night to be a holy bridge that transverses the chasm between those who believe and those who do not (yet) believe.

3)      Declare to believers the things that are to come (John 16:13b)—the Spirit shows us that all that has gone on before is being fulfilled day by day.

4)      Glorify Jesus—the Spirit declares to us what Jesus has already told us; God’s message of love and mercy, reconciliation and redemption has never changed.
Just as the disciples needed the Holy Spirit to carry out the call to build Christ’s church, we also need the Holy Spirit in our lives. Life can be very difficult for Christians. The “world” (the unbelievers) plots against those who follow Jesus. We see every day on the news that there is persecution, angst, sadness, fear and death at the hands and on the lips of rogue nations and evil groups like ISIS and the Taliban.
They have declared war on Christians. We need strength, courage, help and comfort to face all the hardships the world can throw our way.
The Holy Spirit is the Advocate, the Helper, the Comforter, the Interpreter we need by our side and in our hearts to stay strong in a hostile world.
·         We can turn to the Counselor for help in staying the course when we feel defeated.
·         We can count on his leading us in the way of truth, especially when we feel so lost.
·         We can rely on his proclaiming only Jesus’ teachings and not false truths from phony prophets.
·         We can trust that He interprets the truth heard from Jesus correctly for life 2000 years after Christ and after Pentecost, and
·         We can dig into the scriptures because he makes the teachings of Jesus relevant to each new generation. This is what the Holy Spirit does.
Many of us have had experiences with the Holy Spirit functioning directly in our lives. Others have questions like, how will I know it’s the Holy Spirit speaking to me? What does the Holy Spirit sound like or feel like?
It’s important to ask these questions, and what I say to you right now is that if you resonate with these quandaries, then I believe the Holy Spirit is already speaking to you.
Sometimes there are no words, instead there’s an unexplainable tugging, a feeling compelled to go, to do, to say, to soothe; yet, beware: if there’s a leading to the refrigerator in the middle of the night, that’s not a tugging, that’s a temptation!
Remember the functions of the Holy Spirit are to prove, to guide, to declare and to glorify Jesus Christ. Any other errand is worldly, not heavenly.
I challenge all of us to increase our awareness of and our willingness to respond to the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives.
·         People who trust the Holy Spirit recognize his calling in their lives. They listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and they obey his leading.
·         People who experience the Holy Spirit in their lives take risks for Jesus Christ and do not hide their faith from the world. These folks find comfort when life is hard; find direction when they are lost, and find peace when everything is falling apart.
·         People who know the Holy Spirit are willing to receive from the Advocate, respond to the Helper, rejoice in the Comforter, and re-voice the promises of the Intercessor.

The gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church is something to get excited about! The Spirit arrived in the world 2000 years ago on the rush of a violent wind and appeared as tongues of fire people’s above the disciples’ heads. How we should yearn for another day like the first Pentecost!
How awesome would it be if we could hear the rush and see the wind blow in once again and renew our tired faith.
How electrifying would it be to feel and see the fire of the Spirit come alive in the Church today.
Howard Thurman, great preacher and theologian said, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. As yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
On this Pentecost Sunday, come alive with the Holy Spirit. Work with him and allow him to guide and lead, teach and proclaim the truth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that Christ is coming back for us someday.  
There will be no more farewells, only joyful hellos. Get fired up, be ready, and give thanks to God for this brand new day of Pentecost! Amen.

May 24, 2015
First Parish Federated Church of South Berwick, Maine
The Reverend Donna Lee Muise, Pastor

[1] Huey, Kate Matthews. “Spirit for All.” Weekly Seeds @